Flinders Petrie and density measurements

It can be noted that there should be a correlation between the size of the blocks measured by Flinders Petrie and the density measurements made by EDF. This is due to the fact that the differences in densities should corresponds to the size of the blocks, because if the blocks are small, there are more interstices and spaces and therefore a lower measured density. In the same way, if the blocks are bigger the opposite happens and the measured density becomes higger.

Here is a comparison of the two measurements:

Different colors corresponding to different block sizes or different densities

Another comparison between the two measurements:

Cheops Pyramid Levels from Flinders Petrie Vs EDF measurements

Flinders Petrie and Laser measurements

The laser measurements of Neubeuer made it possible to highlight anomalies in the pyramid of Cheops. It is a digging of the faces that gives rise to the phenomenon of apothema. This digging could have a relationship with the way to build the pyramid of Cheops. Probably stones were transiting mainly by the middles of the faces, at least at the end of the construction. Laser measurements can also reveal horizontal traces at heights compatible with the levels suggested by the Flinders Pétrie measurements.

Here is a comparison of the two measurements:


Flinders Petrie and pyramid observations

From remain observations of different pyramids can be deduced that Egyptians were very skilled in walls erection. One can thus observe structures with degrees like the pyramid of Meidoum or that of Meritetis with inclined walls of approximately 70°. These observations lead us to think that Cheops pyramid was first constructed as a degrees pyramid before being transformed into a smooth-faced pyramid. In order to build the corresponding massives, the stones that are the lightest, would have been lifted along slightly inclined walls that could reach 9.1 to 18.2m high (lifted and not pulled along ramps as it is more efficient to lift than pull). The volume of these stones representing more than 84% of the pyramid volume if we take into account massives deduced from Flinders Petrie measurement. The phenomenon of apothem observed on the Cheops pyramid as well as the laser measurements of Neubeuer show a deficit in stones in the central axis of the faces of the great pyramid. If we conclude to a passage of blocks along walls then we can imagine that stones of the bleachers have passed through the center of the faces and perhaps the corners of the massive (that is lateraly and not frontaly as usualy proposed) as shown in following picture. Concerning the final coating, whatever its nature (stone or limestone cement [Davidovits]), it would have been set from top to bottom for obvious reasons of accessibility.